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Polly Word Cloud Quick Start Guide

This guide shows you how to start using Polly Word Cloud

Introducing Polly Word Cloud

Capture the collective voice of your organization with Word Clouds—ideal for brainstorming, retrospectives, or team reflections in Slack:

  • Gather open‐ended responses to prompts or questions
  • Auto‐generated cloud highlights the most common words or themes
  • Encourages reflective discussion among widely distributed teams

Authoring a Word Cloud Polly

You have complete flexibility when authoring a word cloud polly. You can create one from the web app or from within Slack.


Authoring from the Web Dashboard

To create a word cloud polly, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Polly Web Dashboard and click on the Create button on the left.
  2. In the creation modal that pops up, select the Word Cloud question type when creating the polly as seen in the screenshot below.

    Screenshot 2025-02-12 at 2.01.57 PM

  3. On the next screens you can configure various anonymity, response, scheduling and audience options. Once you are ready, click on the blue Send Polly button. 
  4. You will get a confirmation screen with a web voting link. You can share this link outside Slack too for a wider reach.
  5. You can click on the word cloud polly in your dashboard to view the results. If you want to showcase results while presenting, you can click on the presentation view link. Results will update in real time as they come in.

    Word Cloud- Real Time Results

✏️  Note: Currently only polls are supported for word cloud, surveys will be added soon


Authoring from within Slack

  1. From the left navigation menu click on Polly under Apps.
  2. Click on the Create a Polly button.
  3. From the creation options that pops up, click on the :cloud: Word Cloud button.
  4. You will be presented with the Word Cloud creation modal, you can fill out the question and the audience field.
  5. Depending on your subscription plan, additional settings may be available that allow you to set anonymity, results visibility and scheduling options.
  6. When you click the Send now button your Word Cloud polly will be created and the confirmation screen will show you two links:
    1. Presentation View link to present and/or share your results in a meeting
    2. Web Voting link to allow respondents to vote on the web. If this is not required, you can click on the Change link settings button and remove the web voting link. You can also access the link configuration setting by going to the post in the channel and clicking on the three dots next to it and clicking on settings.

      Screenshot 2025-02-12 at 2.22.32 PM