Uninstalling and Other FAQs

Uninstalling and other frequently asked questions.

How to uninstall Polly for Zoom

  1. Log in to your Zoom account via web and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace (marketplace.zoom.us)
  2. Search for Polly and Click on it.
  3. Click Manage > Uninstall.
  4. Select reason for uninstall & then Click Uninstall.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can I not see Zoom Apps?

Please check if you’re signed in appropriately and not as a guest. A guest is anyone who is:

  • Not signed in
  • Signed in with a version of the Zoom client software older than the supported version

Can Zoom Apps be enabled for one specific user instead of an organisation wide access?

It can be done by creating a Zoom Apps user group while enabling it just for the specific users in it. More on this can be found in Zoom help docs

Why doesn't Polly show up in my meeting recording? 

The functionality of recording Polly or any other app does not exist currently in Zoom Apps. The only way to do this is by screen sharing Polly while the recording is going on. 

How can I view/download the polly results after my Zoom meeting?  

At this time, we don't allow for users to download their results, only view them individually. If this feature is important to you, please let us know here.

  1. Open the Polly app for Zoom in the desktop Zoom client (outside a meeting) and click the Apps tab
  2. Open the Polly app
  3. Open the left-hand sidebar and select "Completed" to view past meetings that had at least one polly sent from any attendee
  4. Navigate to the meeting you'd like to see polly results from and expand the polly by selecting "View Details" to view the full results


Can it create ongoing polls for recurring events?

You can create pollys in advance for the event and then use them through the Groups functionality. Here’s more on how to go about this.

How to quickly create the same Polly(s) for Recurring Meetings?

If you have recurring meetings that you'd like to ask the same (or similar) pollys each time, create a customized Polly Group and queue it up at the start of each meeting. Here's how you can create a Polly Group.

Do I need to resend/update the recurring meetings to add Polly in Zoom?

No you don't. Polly is not dependent on invite, if the host of meeting has Polly installed they can share the Polly app within meeting at any time. If the host doesn't have Polly installed and co-host has it installed, then Co-host will have to invite the host before they can start using Polly in Zoom meeting. 

I can't seem to be able to view polly results, what's the reason? 

You need to participate i.e. submit a response to be able to see other responses. We don't want you to be biased before you vote!

Why doesn't Polly show up in my meeting recording? 

The functionality of recording Polly or any other app does not exist currently in Zoom Apps. The only way to do this is by screen sharing Polly while the recording is going on. 

How much does Polly for Zoom cost?

Polly for Zoom is free to use. There are no limits on responses or questions. For those wishing to do advanced moderation of Q&A for an all-hands, town hall, or large meeting, we have a paid plan priced at $96 annual subscription to support additional Q&A moderation features. The subscription allows you to moderate unlimited Q&A's for the whole year. 

Is Polly available in any language other than English? 

Presently no 😔 For now Polly is only available in English language.

Got Questions? 

We are here to help with any other questions you may have, just email us