Gauge your team's morale and discover any gaps or opportunities in measuring your employees' engagement & satisfaction.
Get a better understanding of how happy, fulfilled, challenged, and dedicated your employees are with this set of 13 questions. Easily add, remove, or modify questions to fit your teams' needs.
- I am happy at work.
- I am satisfied with the career advancement opportunities available to me.
- I trust my coworkers.
- I believe in my company's mission.
- I receive valuable feedback on my work that helps me improve.
- My accomplishments are recognized by others.
- What's the one thing you would change about this company?
- My organization is dedicated to my well-being and professional development.
- For the most part, my job takes advantage of my strengths.
- I am enthusiastic about the work that I do for my team and am enabled to do my best work.
- I feel valued by my coworkers and manager(s).
- I know what is expected of me at work.
- I would recommend this company to friends & family as a great place to work.
- Do you have any other general or specific feedback?